人比 AI 更可怕
(Roose, Kevin. Futureproof: 9 Rules for Humans in the Age of Automation. New York: Penguin Random House, 2021.)
作者 Kevin Roose 走訪了矽谷及多家大型自動化研發公司,參加了多場有關人工智能產品的展銷會,並閱讀了上百本與人工智能相關的書籍。他得出的結論是,雖然人工智能可以幫助人類解決許多問題,但現實情況是,那些大財團和企業家往往只為追求利潤而操控人工智能的設計,從而引發了許多不公平的現象。以下是他在書中(第12頁)的一些見解:
“I am much more worried ... about the humans who are designing and implementing all of this new technology. I’ve seen that AI is being eagerly embraced by profit-hungry executives and starry-eyed entrepreneurs, many of whom are deliberately underselling the risks of harm and displacement for workers.”
「我更加擔心的是……設計和實施這些新技術的人。我看到,人工智能正被追逐利潤的高階主管和充滿幻想的企業家熱切接受,其中許多人故意低估對工人所造成的傷害和失業風險。」"I know that many bosses are using AI to micromanage and surveil their employees and that, as a result, many jobs are getting harder and more precarious instead of easier and more rewarding."
「我知道,許多老闆正在利用人工智能來過度管理和監視員工,結果是,許多工作變得更加艱難和不穩定,而不是更輕鬆和更有回報。」"I fear that AI will become increasingly useful for authoritarian governments looking to repress vulnerable populations and suppress political dissent. And I shudder to think of the privacy and human rights abuses that AI technologies like facial recognition will facilitate."
「我擔心,人工智能將愈發成為威權政府壓制弱勢群體和鎮壓政治異見的有力工具。想到像人臉識別這樣的人工智能技術可能促成的隱私侵犯和人權濫用,我感到不寒而慄。」Kevin Roose 的分析提醒我們,人工智能的應用不僅需要考慮技術上的進步,更需要正視其對社會公平、隱私和人權可能帶來的深遠影響。
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